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Helpful Resources

Reading or coming across material related to child and adult abuse can trigger a range of emotions and feelings. Whilst this reaction is quite normal, it is important that anyone affected can access support services relevant to them. We include a list below of both Catholic and non Catholic services who offer a wide range of supports.

Within the Church there are number of established services for victims and survivors of sexual abuse.


Towards Healing responds to complaints of abuse perpetrated by Catholic clergy and other religious within Victoria and Australia wide.


Melbourne Response assists people who have been abused sexually, physically or emotionally within the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Catholic Social Services Australia: is the national network of Catholic social services.  The majority of members provide counselling and support services.


Victims and survivors can also contact non-church support groups and services:


CLAN - Care Leavers Australia Network


Broken Rites Australia - an Australian support group


Bravehearts - an Australian support group


Blueknot - Australian peak body which advances the health and wellbeing of people and communities affected by childhood trauma


Survivors & Mates Support Network - for men coping with the effects of childhood sexual abuse


SNAP -  survivors' network


Lifeline - 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention


Headspace - mental health support for young people


Men's Line - telephone and onilne counselling support for men


1800RESPECT - national sexual assault domestic and family violence counselling service


Ethi-call - confidential ethics counselling service offered free by St James Ethics Centre - an independent organisation with no religious or political affiliations. If you are having trouble deciding whether to report abuse in the Church this free service may help.


Knowmore - an independent service with specialist trained staff to provide legal information and advice for telling your story to the Royal Commission.


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